West USA Realty

Monthly market reports on Phoenix home prices and the surrounding suburbs.


Be an informed buyer. Learn what home prices are doing in the various areas in and around Phoenix. Review the market reports below or search for homes HERE.





July 2024
The Phoenix real estate market continued its slower pace through the summer months, with most of the market measurements remaining relatively unchanged. Potential buyers continue to wait for interest rates to decrease, and because many of those buyers are also home sellers, the inventory has stayed low despite the lower number of sales. We are still predicting that there will be no major changes to the market as long as interest rates remain higher. The complete, latest numbers are HERE.





June 2024
The Phoenix real estate market experienced some price retraction in May despite inventory staying low. High interest rates continue to keep a lot of buyers on the sidelines as they await future reductions, although it appears that any reductions may still be a ways off. Days on the market for active listings is still well below historical averages, and homes are still selling on average for 98% of their listing price. It's reasonable to expect that no significant changes in the market, either up or down, are forthcoming in the absence of any larger economic changes. The complete, latest numbers are HERE.




September 2023
The Phoenix real estate market reamined fairly locked up in August, with sales continuing their slow pace due to high interest rates. That said, inventory remains stubbornly low, which for the most part is keeping pricing stable even with the low sales volume. Days on the market for active listings is still well below historical averages, and homes are still selling on average for 99% of their listing price. Predictions about the near future are that the market will likely remain in this state until a major change occurs, most likely an interest rate change. The complete, latest numbers are HERE.





August 2023
There is one word that perfectly sums up the Phoenix real estate market in the month of July. Confusing. On one hand, prices retreated after increasing for 6 straight months. That said, for the first time in 6 months, the year over year (July 2023 vs July 2022) prices increased. Also, the available inventory inched lower, even as the total number of home sales decreased. Basically, there were fewer buyers AND sellers in the market last month, and as a result, the market continues to stay locked up. High interest rates are almost certainly to blame, as sellers are hesitant to trade in their low rate for a higher rate. More than ever, in the last 3 to 4 years, we have seen both buyers and sellers trying to time the market, which has so far proved to be a fruitless effort. In a historical context, trying to time the market has almost always been difficult if not impossible to do. If you are a long term follower of this monthly report, than you know we do not make recommendations, but rather report data and market conditions. That said, we feel strongly that it's never the perfect time to buy or sell a home, but it's always the right time to buy the perfect home, meaning, if the home is right for you, it's never the wrong time to buy it. The complete, latest numbers are HERE.





July 2023
The Phoenix real estate market has recovered nearly all of the late 2022 price losses over the last 6 month as buyers continue to adjust to higher interest rates. Purchase volume has stayed steady in relation to the available inventory, and buyers have shown they are willing to move forward, even with higher rates, with the hopes that they will be able to refinance in the near future. Low inventory continues to be problematic and that issue appears to be here to stay for the foreseeable future. Now that interest rates appear to have stabilized for the most part, our projection is that we will continue to see price increases going forward unless other economic conditions change. The complete, latest numbers are HERE.





June 2023
The Phoenix real estate market finished off the spring, which is historically Phoenix's most active home buying and selling period, with another strong month of price growth. The volume of home sales increased while the number of new listings did not, therefore creating even more demand for a limited supply of inventory. Interest rates continue to have some buyers on the fence, but it appears they have some sellers on the fence as well. One thing that has become abundantly clear is that until more sellers opt to list their homes, sustained price declines are unlikely in the near future. The complete, latest numbers are HERE.





May 2023
The Phoenix real estate market continued it's upward price trajectory for another month, despite a decrease in the number of home sold. The cause of the increase stayed the same as it has for the past four months, which is very low inventory and pent up demand. It will be interesting to see if the trend changes over the summer months, however, the historical drop in new home listings that occur during June through August suggests that we will continue to see low inventory levels and rising prices. The complete, latest numbers are HERE.





April 2023
The Phoenix real estate market is officially back on a growth trend, showing price increases for the third straight month. February through May are traditionally the busiest months in this market, but projections were that this spring would be much slower than recent years, but so far that has not materialized. Given the current trend, it appears likely that price increases will continue for the remainder of the spring. The complete, latest numbers are HERE.





March 2023
The Phoenix real estate market continued to show resilience in February. In the face of ongoing high interest rates, the market experienced an increase in the average home price for the second consecutive month. Both resale and new home inventory continues to be low which is a major driving factor in the price increases. Given the current trend, it appears likely that price increases will continue for the remainder of the spring. The complete, latest numbers are HERE.




February 2023
The Phoenix real estate market responded in January to the continued lack of new housing inventory, showing an unexpected increase in the average home sale price despite the total number of home sales being lower. Until seller's get motivated to sell, it is unlikely that prices are going to experience any large price declines in the foreseeable future, and in fact, the market may continue to experience price increases, albeit at a more modest rate than what we saw in early 2022. The complete, latest numbers are HERE.




January 2023
The Phoenix real estate market continued to be unpredictable in December, with sales continuing at their lower pace, but also new listings staying at their slower pace as well, which means inventory continues to stay steady instead of increasing. It's unclear why more new listings are not becoming available, but unless that trend reverses, I foresee potential home price increases this spring. The complete, latest numbers are HERE.




December 2022
The Phoenix real estate market is currently experiencing a bit of an identity crisis, and forecasting the near term direction of the market is proving difficult. Home price decreases have been much more tame than projected, and a significant reason for that is that inventory still remains surprisingly slow. Demand has decreased, but so has supply, and until that changes we are not projecting any large price decreases. In fact, after the holidays, price increases may actually occur. The complete, latest numbers are HERE.



November 2022
The Phoenix real estate market had a surprising, albeit small, increase in home prices last month. Housing inventory leveled off after 5 straight months of sharp increases. Interest rates continue to be high, and likely will remain high for the foreseeable future. However, home prices and inventory levels are less predictable at this point. The complete, latest numbers are HERE.


October 2022
The Phoenix real estate market continued its up and down pattern that it has followed over the past several months. The average home price dipped in September despite inventory and sales remaining fairly steady. Given the upcoming holiday season, this trend may continue for the remainder of the year. High interest rates continue to be the significant driving force behind the market changes, and rates don't appear to be decreasing in the foreseeable future. The market changes have created some good purchasing opportunities which have not been seen in the past several years. The complete, latest numbers are HERE.




September 2022
The Phoenix real estate market, after experiencing weakening prices and rising inventory for the past 3 months, already appears to be showing signs of potentially finding the bottom. Of course this is purely speculative, however the increase in inventory was much more subtle last month, and home prices actually increased slightly. Home builders have already responded to the increasing inventory by slowing production, which many experts fear will quickly put the market back into a state of undersupply and rapidly rising prices. While this may not match the real estate news being reported nationally, it's important to understand that every market is local, and Phoenix continues to show very strong economic and population growth. The complete, latest numbers are HERE.




August 2022
The Phoenix real estate market, for the third straight month, saw inventories rise and bring additional balance to the market. One key difference this month however is that the effect of the additional inventory finally reflected in home prices. Many industry experts still feel strongly that inventory is too low, and that builders aren't building enough, but the recent increases in interest rates have been sufficient to stop, at least temporarily, the rampant home price increases of the last two years. The complete, latest numbers are HERE.




July 2022
The Phoenix real estate market, for the second straight month, saw inventories rise and bring some additional balance to the market. Inventory is still insufficiently low, but the improvement from the historically low inventory just a few months ago is important to creating a healthier market. Prices have not declined, but have returned to month over month gains more indicative of a typical market. The complete, latest numbers are HERE.




June 2022
The Phoenix real estate market welcomed a good influx of new inventory last month, bringing some much needed relief from record breaking low inventory levels. While the increased choices for buyers is very good news, the effect on pricing has not yet been felt as prices continued to rise, and homes continued to sell, on average, for above the asking price. Regardless, the improvement in the market is clear based on last month's numbers. The complete, latest numbers are HERE.




May 2022
The Phoenix real estate market continued to show price gains last month, even as interest rates started to rise. Most of the completed sales last month were put under contract in March or earlier, so we haven't seen the full impact of the rate increases, and the affect may end up being negligible, but there are finally some signs of inventory increasing, albeit very slightly. Regardless, any increases in inventory are helpful in moving the market to a more balanced state. The complete, latest numbers are HERE.




April 2022
March was a very active month for home sales, with over 9,500 homes sold in the Phoenix area. More notable however, for the first time in many months, new home listings outpaced home sales, meaning inventory increased, albeit slightly. While this is good news for the housing market, it is far too slight of a change, and only a one month data point. Next month's report will paint a more clear picture of whether this is a trend or a temporary event. The complete, latest numbers are HERE.





March 2022
If you have been receiving this monthly update of the Phoenix area real estate market for a while, you know that I've talked at length about price increases and the underlying cause of low inventory. Both of those trends continued again this month, and I firmly believe that until home builders can increase their rate of building, these increases are going to continue for the foreseeable future. The Phoenix area is simply experiencing a great deal of growth and economic expansion, and there is just too much data that suggests that this trend wont be reversing anytime soon. The complete, latest numbers are HERE.




February 2022
The state of the Phoenix area real estate market in January and early February is usually a result of how active, or not active, buyers were during the holidays. This year, although the number of home closings in January decreased from the month prior, prices still managed to increase as there were very few new listings that came on the market during that same time period. Low inventory continues to be a significant concern that doesn't appear to be easing any time soon. The complete, latest numbers are HERE.




January 2022
Continuing on with the recent trend of alternating months of price increases and decreases, the Phoenix area home market turned in another impressive performance in December with one of the larger home price increases of the year. The reason continues to be a simple one. A severe lack of inventory continues to drive price increases as builders continue to do their best to meet the surging housing demand in the area. The complete, latest numbers are HERE.




December 2021
Phoenix area home prices experienced another small dip last month, after seeing a fairly large increase in the month prior. Large month over month increases are becoming slightly harder to predict, but one thing that is absolutely certain is that the inventory of available homes remains critically low. Although inventory often lowers during the holidays, the extent of the limited inventory indicates that prices are not going to decline in any meaningful way in the near future. The complete, latest numbers are HERE.




November 2021
After 3 consecutive months of home price decreases in the Phoenix metro area, prices rebounded sharply in October. The result is not entirely unexpected due to the factors covered in previous reports, most notably the low inventory of available homes which has persisted for several years now. Homes continue to be in short supply and are selling, on average, above their asking price. Typically November and December are slower purchase months, so it will be interesting to see how the market responds to the historically lower demand. The complete, latest numbers are HERE.




October 2021
For the third consecutive month, Phoenix area home prices showed a small decrease month over month. However, not much changed in terms of very low inventory and high sales volume, so it's difficult to say that the price decrease is an indication of any major market changes at this time. Homes continued to sell, on average, above their asking price. In short, while bidding wars are still often occurring, the total numbers of bidders is likely decreasing slightly which is causing homes to sell closer to their asking prices. The complete, latest numbers are HERE.




September 2021
For the second consecutive month, Phoenix area home prices showed a small decrease month over month. However, a lot of upward pressure still exists on home prices, as inventory remains extremely low, and new-home builders continue to struggle to keep up with demand. Further evidence of the upward pressure is that despite the price drop, the average sales price was still higher than the average asking price. Realistically, what this means is that homes that were previously getting 10 to 20 offers are now getting 5 to 10 instead. The complete, latest numbers are HERE.




August 2021
For the first time this year, Phoenix area home prices showed a decrease month over month. This was not completely unexpected, as new contract activity slowed slightly last month with summer travel schedules keeping many would-be buyers out of the market. That said, the market still showed signs of strength, with the average sales price still exceeding the average listing price. Next month's results will be very important as we will learn more about whether this is the beginning of a trend or just a one-time dip. The complete, latest numbers are HERE.




July 2021
With school out for the summer and many families traveling for the first time in a long time, some of the pressure was taken off of the housing market last month. That said, there is still a tremendous backlog of buyers, so prices did not change substantially up or down. The fact that prices stayed steady and the inventory maintained most of the gains experienced last month are both positive indicators. There isn't enough data however to identify any trends just yet. The complete, latest numbers are HERE.




June 2021
Low inventory and high demand continued to push home prices up in May, however in a pleasant surprise, inventory did increase slightly toward the end of the month and the market is now showing an additional 1,200 homes available compared to the same time last month. We will need another month to tell if this is just a one month anomoly or the start of a trend, but the extra inventory is welcome news for buyers. The complete, latest numbers are HERE.




May 2021
As expected, the April real estate market was among the most active and competitive ever. Spring in the Phoenix area is already a historically busy time, but this year it is compounded by the fact that the overall market has experienced a substantial housing shortage in the last 6 to 9 months. Builders are trying desperately to catch up, but shortages of labor and building supplies continue to plague the industry. The complete, latest numbers are HERE.




April 2021
The Phoenix area real estate market remained extremely active last month, with a major increase in homes sold over the month prior. Inventory finally increased slightly, although not in an amount necessary to make much of an impact on the market. After increasing slighly over the last 60 days, interest rates dipped again. The complete, latest numbers are HERE.




March 2021
Very little changed in the Phoenix real estate market in February, with homes prices continuing their rapid climb, and inventory remaining historically low. Interest rates did increase slightly, but the small change seems to have had little to no effect on the market. The complete, latest numbers are HERE.




February 2021
Phoenix area real estate prices continued their steady climb last month. Fueled by low inventory and historically low interest rates, the market continues to be unbalanced and in need of significantly more home listings in order to absorb the backlog of buyers. The complete, latest numbers are HERE.




January 2021
Phoenix area real estate prices immediately bounced back last month, gaining back the entire decrease from two months ago. Low inventory matched with significant demand continues to be the key driver, and there are no indicators that are pointing to either of those two conditions changing in the next 12 months. The complete, latest numbers are HERE.




December 2020
Phoenix area real estate market prices normalized a bit last month despite record low inventory which continues to be a challenge. After experiencing year over year price growth of 24% in October, last months year over year growth was 17%, which is still very high, but is at least a move in the right direction in terms of sustainable growth. There is still a heavy backlog of buyers in the market so inventory is anticipated to stay low for the foreseeable future. The complete, latest numbers are HERE.





November 2020
The Phoenix area real estate market continued its record breaking growth rate last month, pushing higher than the previous month which was already one of the best in recent history. We have touched on the reasons behind the growth in previous monthly market updates, but interest rates remain low, and population growth in the Phoenix area that is near an all time high are the biggest contributors. The complete, latest numbers are HERE.




October 2020
Very low interest rates and a low inventory of available homes for sale continue to push the Phoenix area real estate market higher. With the rapidly increasing home prices comes the frequent question of the sustainability of this market. While of course nobody can predict the future, lending requirements for buyers remain extremely stringent, and there is still a significant backlog of home buyers who are either waiting to qualify to purchase or are waiting until it becomes a little less competitive. While we absolutely do not predict that double digit annual price increases will continue, it does appear that some price growth will be happening for quite some time still. The complete, latest numbers are HERE.




September 2020
Home sales and home price increases remained extremely brisk last month, although not quite to the extent of July. Although there were fewer homes sold, the inventory of available homes did not increase in any meaningful way. There are simply not enough new home listings coming on the market each month. Interest rates are also still near historical lows. The complete, latest numbers are HERE.




August 2020
The Phoenix real estate market had an unprecedented month last month, experiencing it's second consecutive month of much higher than normal price increases. The market continues to be driven by very low interest rates, and an even lower availability of homes for sale. The complete, latest numbers are HERE.




July 2020
The Phoenix real estate market continued to show incredible resilience in the month of June. Despite extremely low inventory, home sales and home sale prices both jumped substantially. Many buyers, especially first time buyers, are trying to take advantage of historically low interest rates. That increased demand, coupled with the low inventory, is creating a bottleneck in the availability of homes priced at $500,000 or less. The complete, latest numbers are HERE.




June 2020
The results for May in the Phoenix real estate market were anticipated to be the most impacted by Covid, because May home closings are a result of contracts that are created in April which was the hardest hit month in Arizona. As expected, prices did dip, but not in the manner that was predicted. Based on the numbers, it appears that a slowdown almost exclusively in the luxury market drug the overall pricing numbers down, while other segments of the market stayed fairly strong. In fact, despite the overall price decrease in the market, over 40% of the individual Phoenix area cities that we track actually experienced price increases in May. The cities that have a high concentration of luxury homes took the hardest hit. The complete, latest numbers are HERE.




May 2020
I once again wanted to express my best wishes that you and your loved ones are staying healthy and safe. I mentioned in the last monthly report that the next few reports would start to tell us more about how the Phoenix area market was going to respond to the epidemic. We did see some impact in terms of total sales and price, but that was quite expected due to job losses and some opting to hold off on buying for the moment. That said, the impact so far has been very slight, and the numbers are pointing to it remaining a seller's market for the time being. Of note, Arizona has officially reopened retail stores as of May 8th and restaurants as of May 11th. The complete, latest numbers are HERE.




April 2020
I hope you and your loved ones are staying healthy and safe during this epidemic. The next couple of months of real estate market reports will be interesting. So far, all of the evidence is pointing to the Phoenix real estate market staying strong through all of this. The numbers in the upcoming months will tell the entire story, but so far everything appears to be trending at a fairly normal pace. The complete, latest numbers are HERE.



March 2020
The month of February produced extremely strong results in the Phoenix real estate market, as expected. The busiest buying and selling months of the year in the Phoenix market are January through May, and this year has been more active than historical averages leading to some sharp price increases. The complete, latest numbers are HERE.



February 2020
The Phoenix area real estate market continued it's strong push through the holidays as shown in the January results, which are actually a reflection of the number of homes that went under contract in December. The numbers, despite a small dip in the volume of homes sold, continue to be impressive. The complete, latest numbers are HERE.



January 2020
Although the holidays are typically a time of slower real estate sales both here in the Phoenix area and elsewhere across the country, the trends leading up to the holidays indicated that there would be no such slowdown this year, and the final numbers from last month have shown that to be correct. Despite very few homeowners opting to list their home for sale during the holidays, home sales were up again, further depleting the inventory and increasing prices. The complete, latest numbers are HERE.



December 2019
After experiencing the largest price increase of the year in October, the Phoenix market topped that number in November. The large increase was surprising given the time of year and given that the total number of homes sold was actually lower, but the declining number of available homes for sale continues to be a key driver in increasing prices. The complete, latest numbers are HERE.



November 2019
After a couple of up and down months at the end of the summer, home prices made another strong positive move in October. It was the largest monthly increase this year. Low inventory continues to be the primary reason for the increases, coupled with the growing Phoenix area economy and population gains. The complete, latest numbers are HERE.



October 2019
Home prices in the metro Phoenix area continued their up and down pattern last month as very low inventory continues to be a significant challenge for buyers. Many buyers have turned to some of the outskirt suburbs in search of better deals which has driven prices up in those areas, while keeping them stagnant in some of the more central areas. The complete, latest numbers are HERE.



September 2019
Home prices in the metro Phoenix area took a slight dip last month, despite the fact that over half of the individual cities around the metro area experienced home price increases. Inventory in most cities remains extremely low, which has some buyers on the sidelines out of frustration of not being able to find a home that they like in their price range. The complete, latest numbers are HERE.



August 2019
Home prices and home buying slowed slightly last month, almost certainly due to a lack of inventory which is approaching historical lows in the Phoenix metro area. While new home builders are trying to increase the supply of homes, the population growth of the region is making it difficult for them to keep up. The complete, latest numbers are HERE.



June 2019
The busiest home buying season historically in the Phoenix area is February through May. This year's season wrapped up with a bang, with homes selling at an even faster pace than the month prior, which was already extremely active. Home prices shot up sharply as inventory was not able to keep up with demand. The complete, latest numbers are HERE.



May 2019
The month of April was one of the most active home selling months in recent history throughout the Phoenix metro area. Although overall market prices did not change in any meaningful way, inventory dropped dramatically as the number of homes sold spiked. The lack of an overall price change indicates that there was a great deal of buying activity in the lower price ranges of the market. The complete, latest numbers are HERE.



April 2019
The months of February through May are typically the most active in the Phoenix area real estate market, and this month's numbers show that the season is off to another extremely strong start. Home sales and prices jumped sharply as demand from a growing population base continues to fuel the increases. The complete, latest numbers are HERE.




March 2019
Unlike many markets around the country, late winter is typically a very strong time for the local real estate market in the Phoenix area. Last months results were in line with that, showing moderate price gains for yet another consecutive month. The complete, latest numbers are HERE.



January 2019
The price growth in the Phoenix area real estate market was small in December, however any price growth at all over a typically slow holiday season is an extremely positive indicator of continued health in the market going into 2019. The complete, latest numbers are HERE.



December 2018
The best description of the Phoenix area housing market last month was very stable. The typical holiday slowdown was absent, and despite the overall market staying about the same pricing wise, several suburbs showed strong gains. The complete, latest numbers are HERE.



November 2018
Despite pressure from increasing interest rates and normal end-of-year slowing, Phoenix area home prices showed strong gains in October. Although there was little consistency from area to area in terms of gains and losses, several cities, including the city of Phoenix and a handful of suburbs, showed substantial gains. The complete, latest numbers are HERE.



October 2018
Home prices in September continued the recent up and down trend of small increases and decreases month over month. Prices stepped back slightly last month after gains in the previous month. Interest rates took another large jump in the last 60 days which is finally starting to have some impact on buyer's price ranges. Demand for homes remains extremely high however and inventory remains low. The complete, latest numbers are HERE.



September 2018
After a small step back in July, home prices got back to their usual ways again last month, showing nice growth. The continued growth is encouraging to see given the fact that rising interest rates usually slow home purchasing activity down. These price increases show that demand in the Phoenix market continues to be strong as the region grows. The complete, latest numbers are HERE.



August 2018
Home prices took a small step back in July, although several cities around the Phoenix area experienced gains. Given the strength of the previous several months, it is not surprising to see a pause, and it would not be surprising for there to be an additional one this month. However all trends are still looking very favorable. The complete, latest numbers are HERE.



June 2018
The busy spring selling season wrapped up on a high note once again, showing very strong gains in pricing and the number of homes sold last month. There continues to be projections that interest rate increases could slow the rate of purchasing, but with rental rates also rising, in most cases buyers are still finding it less expensive to purchase rather than rent. The complete, latest numbers are HERE.



May 2018
The months of February, March, April and May are typically the months in which the Phoenix area home prices increase the most, and this year was no exception. April home prices jumped once again as the volume of homes sold stayed high and inventory remained low. Increasing interest rates have not yet slowed the market, and some believe that it may have accelerated it as buyers who were on the fence decided to move forward before rates increased further. The complete, latest numbers are HERE.



April 2018
Price increases in the Phoenix market came storming back last month after a brief pause in February. The volume of home sales was the highest we have seen in the past year. While there may be multiple factors for the price increases and rapid sales, the most likely reason is the rising interest rate, which is expected to still go higher in the next 12 months. The complete, latest numbers are HERE.



March 2018
Although February was a short month, home sales picked up the pace compared to January, indicating that it should be a very active spring. Although overall prices didn't increase during the month, the price per square foot did manage to climb. The complete, latest numbers are HERE.



February 2018
January produced another excellent month of housing price gains, although the total number of sales took a large dip. This is not surprising, since closings which occur in January are the result of contracts written in December which is historically slow due to the holidays. The price increase is certainly a positive indicator for the year to come. The complete, latest numbers are HERE.



January 2018
The month of December was nearly identical to November in every way, including home prices, home sales and supply of homes. Although home prices did not increase in December, the fact that they stayed level is important as typically there is a dip in prices during the holiday months. The complete, latest numbers are HERE.



December 2017
The month of November was a pleasant surprise in the Phoenix area housing market. Typically, prices and sales stay fairly flat during the holiday season, however prices jumped markedly last month. Inventory remained very low, and in fact, got even lower which was likely the driving force behind the price increase. The complete, latest numbers are HERE.



November 2017
As predicted last month, the home prices in the Phoenix area continued to bounce around, this time increasing slightly, as the end of the year approaches. In fact, very little changed in inventory, price, or number of homes sold. The complete, latest numbers are HERE.



October 2017
The home price increases in the Phoenix area paused again last month, which will likely be the trend for the remainder of the year as we enter the holiday season. The inventory still remains low, but it did ease slightly last month as home sales dipped slightly. The year over year price increases remain strong. The complete, latest numbers are HERE.



September 2017
After a 1 month slowdown in home prices in July, Phoenix area home values returned to their normal growth pattern in August. Low inventory appears to still be the driver of the price increases, especially in the resale market. The year over year price increases remain strong, but not "out of control" as we have seen in the past which is a positive indicator of continued, controlled growth for the foreseeable future. The complete, latest numbers are HERE.



August 2017
Home values in the Phoenix area paused last month from the string of consecutive months of growth, but the current shortage of homes indicates that this small price dip is seasonal versus the beginning of a trend. The growth over July of last year was substantial, and the sales numbers remained very robust for the mid summer months when sales traditionally slow a bit in Arizona. The complete, latest numbers are. HERE.



July 2017
Home values in the Phoenix area continued their healthy growth pattern last month, keeping the momentum going from a very strong spring. The bottom price bracket of the market, measured as homes less than $150,000, continued to be depleted along with total inventory in general. Although inventory is very low, it has not caused erratic, unsustainable jumps in home prices which is a a good sign that the market should continue improving for the foreseeable future. The complete, latest numbers by city are HERE.



June 2017
Home values in the Phoenix area finished off the spring on a strong note as expected. February through May are historically the strongest months and this year was no different. Although home sales were strong across all price points, the market for homes over $500,000 saw it's first improvement in a long time. The complete, latest numbers by city are. HERE.



May 2017
Home values in the Phoenix area continued to make controlled but steady gains again last month. The market continues to be favorable to sellers and the inventory of homes for $150,000 and under has shrunk to just 6% of the total market. The complete, latest numbers by city are HERE.



April 2017
The spring months are easily the best months for real estate sales in the Phoenix area, and this year is no exception. Real estate values have gone up gradually as inventory has depleted over the past 4 to 6 weeks. The complete, latest numbers by city are HERE.



February 2017
Prior to this month we had predicted that the stronger than normal holiday months at the end of 2016 would lead to a good beginning for real estate in 2017. That came to fruition, and prices experienced a nice increase. The complete, latest numbers are below. The complete, latest numbers by city are HERE.